Friday, June 13, 2008

5.04 Silicon Avatar

Rating: 2.5

While helping to set up a new colony on Melona IV, Riker, Data, Crusher, and the colonists are attacked by the Crystalline Entity (refer to the episode Datalore). The Federation sends an expert, Dr. Kila Marr, to help track the Entity. Unfortuntately, her obsession with the Entity is fueled by the death of her son at its hands on Omicron Theta, for which she blames Data’s brother Lore. She also suspects Data may be an ally of the Entity.


Dolly camera shots and interesting perspectives (such as a pan back to see Riker’s reaction when Dr Marr talks about killing the Entity) spice up the normally stoic nailed down camera shots.

Riker turns on the charm with comely colonist Carmen Davila, and gets a dinner and ‘dessert’ date in her tent for later in the evening, but unfortunately, she is killed by the Crystalline Entity moments later.


Why does Crusher speak so loudly in the cave when she is reporting on the health of the colonists? Is this information that everyone should hear? To avoid panic and keep hopes up, shouldn’t she and Riker step someplace away from the group and speak softly about the fact that they are all going to die?

Confronting the Entity, Dr Marr attempts to kill it by bombarding it with a graviton pulse. When the effects are apparently destructive to it, Picard asks her to stop the pulse, but she ignores him. Then Data and LaForge attempt to stop the pulse, but they are locked out of the computer. Soon after, the Entity explodes and dies. So why didn’t Picard quickly give the order to move away at high Warp when he still had the chance?

Memorable Moments

•    When Data is sharing his stored memories of Dr Marr’s son, she asks him about his girlfriend. Data says, "He enjoyed her kindness; her gentleness; her physical attributes." Then he suddenly realizes what he has said, and turns, mechanically, to check Dr Marr’s reaction.

Quotable Quotes

"I don’t think you need an empath to sense that woman’s feelings."
- Troi to Picard, regarding Dr. Kila Marr’s hatred of Data

"Yes, I believe your son would be very sad now. I am sorry, Doctor, but I cannot help you."
- Data, informing Dr Marr of the result of her destruction of the Crystalline Entity, and her career along with it

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