Friday, June 13, 2008

5.24 The Next Phase

Rating: 4.5

As the Enterprise attempts to help a Romulan vessel and crew in iminent danger from malfunctions, Geordi and Ro Laren are lost in a transporter accident. Plans are made for their funeral, but they are not dead; instead, their matter exists in a phased state, completely intact but invisible to the rest of the crew.


Not only is this a good little technobabble mystery, with star performances by supporting characters Geordi and Ro, but it also manages to convincingly reinvent Ro’s aggressive character as someone with feelings. And cleverly, it is believable; she would have to die, or believe she was dead, to make such a dramatic change.

This above-par episode was written by Ronald D. Moore and directed by David Carson. Carson would go on to direct the 7th Trek theatrical movie, Star Trek: Generations.

The ultra-professional crew of the Enterprise goes on with their duties and sheds no tears for the loss of LaForge and Laren (even in their private moments, although, admittedly, we don’t get to see this). Picard manages to look stoic and yet sad, but Crusher keeps that little smile on her face and comes off as…Irish Setter.


One of my favorite nits of the entire Trek world: Geordi and Ro can walk through walls, and they can walk through desks. So why don’t they fall through the floors?

At one point, Geordi keeps putting his hand through the console, and Data is able to use a meter to sense each insertion. Geordi complains aloud that these are not just random movements (although they are). I wondered why Geordi didn’t try making a big letter shape, instead of just randomly stabbing his hand at different points.

Why can the phased Romulan sit in a chair? And how does he get the chair to move when he gets up?

Memorable Moments

•    Data and Worf in the shuttlecraft, observed by LaForge and Laren, while discussing what funeral arrangements would be suitable, give wonderful testimonials

•    LaForge and Laren holding on to each other, writhing in pain, and then appearing together, on the floor, crashing their own funeral

Quotable Quotes

"But my uniform…my visor…are you saying I’m some blind ghost with clothes?"
- Geordi to Laren (and, by the way, ‘Blind Ghost With Clothes’ would be a great name for a rock band)

Geordi: Data, do you see us?
Data: Of course.

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