Friday, June 20, 2008

6.24 Second Chances

Rating: 3.5

Eight years ago, Riker barely was able to transport off of the Potemkin and out of a distortion field. Now, when the Enterprise returns to the Potemkin to recover data left behind, the away team discovers a man who looks like – and claims to be – William Riker.


The episode was written by Rene Echevarria and directed by Levar Burton.

Some of the shots are blocked nicely, and slight camera movements add some flair without being overly distracting.

Jonathan Frakes does a commendable job playing two roles here. He creates subtle differences in the two characters, and we believe they are truly two different people. It’s also a great idea – to have Riker re-appear, with all the feelings about himself and Troi intact from eight years ago! The writers can therefore explore what is essentially a different timeline for the same character.

It’s good to see that even on Trek, they fall into place with all the major movie/tv cliches. For example, when Troi gets on top of Riker and starts kissing him, you know he will roll her during the kiss so that he is top of her!

There’s a simple solution to this romance problem between, Riker, Riker, and Troi: run Troi through the transporter and create a copy of her! Then everyone is happy!


This data must be very important – and needed in a timely manner – since they are willing to risk the life of a crewman to get it eight years later. Can’t they use some kind of mobile wireless connection to tap in? They seem to be able to tap into alien’s computers easier than this one! Or how about beaming the entire computer core up to the Enterprise, and then working on it there?

After being isolated and abandoned on a planet, perhaps Lt Riker should receive counseling before being sent back into duty.

Obviously, there are some serious questions about the feasibility of creating two Rikers from one transporter pattern, even within the Trek universe. They try to explain it away with technobabble, but it’s a little unclear.

On the first away mission with both Rikers, the Commander grabs the Lieutenant and spins him around. Only one problem; the red-sleeved arm doesn’t seem to be quite attached to Commander Riker’s body! (This must be related to the way this dual-image shot is composed).

There’s an obvious stunt double for Riker hanging from the dangling bridge.

Memorable Moments

•    In the opening scene, Troi and Crusher look very good, all dressed up and bopping to Riker’s jazz music.

•    Riker and Riker having a meaningful, well-written little discussion about their father.

Quotable Quotes

"I know it’s been a long time since we’ve been together, and I know your feelings have changed. Mine haven’t."
- Lt Riker to Troi

Crusher: Deanna, just because things turned out the way they did between you and Commander Riker, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t let things between you and Lieutenant Riker take their own course.
Troi: I knew you’d encourage me.

Data: Lieutenant, I am curious about something. If you met a double of yourself, would you have difficulty interacting with him?
Worf: I think so.
Data: Why?
Worf: I am not easy to get along with.

"Perhaps it is more a matter of seeing something in your double – something you do not like in yourself."
- Worf, explaining to Data why the Rikers are not getting along

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