Friday, June 20, 2008

7.17 Masks

Rating: 1.5

While investigating a rogue comet, a sensor distortion briefly engulfs the Enterprise. Afterward, a strange sculpture appears in Troi’s quarters, and the computer system and minds of the crew are infused with a series of mysterious symbols. Further investigation of the comet reveals a hidden structure that begins to morph the ship and its system into the artifacts of an ancient culture. The structure communicates through Data in the form of multiple personalities. When Data dons a mask and takes the form of the evil Queen Masaka, Picard sees no alternative but to don the mask of the Queen’s nemesis, Korgano, and attempt to convince Masaka to let them go.


This episode was written by Joe Menosky and directed by Robert Wiemer.

Menosky is usually one of my favorite writers, and this ambitious fantasy gets points only for effort and imagination, because it does not work on any level.


Picard says, "I would like to know Masaka, speak with her" – yet all Data has said so far is "Masaka is waking". He has not stated that Masaka is female.

Even for Star Trek, it’s an unusually massive stretch to believe that Geordi could figure out how to communicate the exact crytpogram to an alien computer that will create a temple.

Memorable Moments

•    Robert Wiemer always manages to mix in a few atypical camera shots, such as when the camera pulls back from above to reveal Data at the fire, looking up in fear.

Quotable Quotes

"I am yours. Every part of me is yours."
- Data to Troi/Masaka

"Well, Data, you never may become fully, human, but you’ve had an experience that trancends the human condition. You’ve been – an entire civilization!"
- Picard

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