Friday, June 20, 2008

6.07 Rascals

Rating: 3.5

An energy wave and a transporter malfunction turn the bodies of Picard, Ro Laren, Guinan, and Keiko O’Brien into those of 11 year old children – although their minds are still intact and adult. Unable to perform their usual duties or function normally in adult relationships, they suddenly become valuable when Ferengi marauders take over the ship.


This is a fun episode. It’s a shame to give a child actor all the Picard lines, when one of the major benefits of watching NextGen is hearing Patrick Stewart reciting dialogue, but it still works. There are some major problems with the episode (such as it’s unbelievable that adults could be shrunk down to child-sizes) but I’m okay with the science fantasy episodes if they are entertaining. And Riker’s contrived ineffectiveness under attack was another area that could have been improved. Still, there are enough memorable moments to make it rate highly.


When the shuttlecraft is being rocked by the energy wave, Picard moves from side to side vigorously, Ro Laren is thrown forward and backward vigorously, and Keiko sort of rocks gently from side to side. Are they all in the same shuttlecraft, experiencing the same forces, or what? It almost looks like each of them are making believe they are being knocked around. J

Another thing about the shuttlecraft: who designed those two seats in the second row? Picard and Ro sit in more conventional seats at consoles. These have high backs and side armrests and provide some support and a way to balance during turbulence. But Keiko and Guinan sit on these little pads with no armrests and no backs! In the event of an impact, they are going flying into the nearest wall.

I wonder why Guinan just hung around with Ro Laren, rather than returning to 10-Forward to tend bar. No one would have minded if she continued to do this.

Why is it so easy for the Ferengi to beam onto the Enterprise? Wouldn’t/shouldn’t there be very strong security protocols to prevent this?

I suppose the Ferengi didn’t notice that little John-Luc was wearing the four pips of a commanding officer. Maybe they thought it was an Acme I-Can’t-Believe-That-Kid-Isn’t-Captain Play Uniform that he was wearing.

Memorable Moments

•    Riker making side glances at little Picard in the turbolift.

•    Beverly asking little Picard to relinquish command. This is one of Crusher’s best scenes so far.

•    The tension and discomfort between Miles and Keiko

•    Little Picard bursting in and calling Riker "daddy". And a strange coincidence: Riker’s son was also called Jean-Luc in the alien-created fantasy from the episode Future Imperfect.

•    Picard slowly running his hand over his bald head just after he is transformed back to his adult self (somehow he manages to evoke wistfulness in that gesture)

Quotable Quotes

Miles O’Brien: Of course you’re my wife, but you’re also ten years old!
Keiko O’Brien: Beverly said it’s actually closer to twelve.

Computer: Hello, I’m the Classroom Computer System. What can I do for you today?
Little Picard: Computer, display Interior Security Grid.
Computer: I’m sorry I can’t do that. Would you like to play a game?

"That’s the wonderful thing about crayons. They can take you to more places than a Starship."
- Guinan to Little Ro Laren

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