Friday, June 13, 2008

5.09 A Matter of Time

Rating: 4.5

A temporal shift opens near the Enterprise, and, moments later, a human beams aboard the Enterprise bridge. He identifies himself as a time-traveling historian from two centuries in the future. Watching the crew’s every move, it is obvious that he has arrived to observe how Picard and the Enterprise handle a potentially catastrophic environmental crisis on Penthara 4.


Matt Frewer shines in a lighthearted, spirited performance as Berlinghoff Rasmussen. His scenes with Picard are classic, and his flirtation with Crusher is revealing.

This episode was written by Rick Berman, back in the days when Berman helped to revitalize the Trek franchise.


Picard says he has inspected Rasmussen’s credentials and they seem to be in order. How could Picard make any determination on the credentials of a person who says they are from the future?

Memorable Moments

•    Picard’s scene, where he requests help from Rasmussen in deciding what course of action to take, is extremely well-written and contains many memorable lines.

Quotable Quotes

"If I hand my assignment in on time, can I get a glimpse into next week’s poker game?"
- Geordi to Rasmussen

"How delightfully primitive!"
- Rasmussen on Worf

"You know, Homer was blind…Milton; Bach; Monet; Wonder."
- Rasmussen to Geordi

"Yes, Professor, I know, what if one of those lives I save down there is a child who grows up to be the next Adoph Hitler or Khan Singh. Every first year philosophy student has been asked that question since the earliest wormholes were discovered. But this is not a class in temporal logic! It’s not theoretical! It’s not hypothetical! It’s real!"
- Picard, trying to convince Rasmussen to give him knowledge of the future

"Well…you know, Professor, perhaps I don’t give a damn about your past because your past is my future, and as far as I’m concerned, it hasn’t been written yet!"
- Picard to Rasmussen

"Please don’t ask me, Captain. I can’t help you. I’m sorry."
- Rasmussen’s ironic admission that he is not who he says he is

"I assume your handprint will open this door, whether you are conscious or not."
- Data, being honest with Rasmussen

"Oh Professor…welcome to the 24th century."
- Picard introducing Rasmussen to ‘sarcasm of the future’

1 comment:

  1. Just watched this again. Love the subtleties, such as the look of worry on Rasmussen’s face (which he should not have if he is from the future) when the final plan is enacted.


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